Frequently Asked Question

Gst Dsc-Digital Signature Issue, Failed To Establish Connection To The Server . Kindly Restart The Emsigner
Last Updated 6 years ago

(There may some slight variations in Chrome Menus in different versions)

In Chrome : Settings>Advances Settings /Show Advanced Settings(menu seen at the bottom) > Content / Content Settings > Java / Java Script/Java Settings > Exception / Manage exceptions > Then in the web site entry column / Host name Pattern entry column ( > Click Add Button ( if shows - in some Chrome versions don't have this 'Add' button) Then......

replace the '' with the following address

and dont change the status as 'Allow' ( If it shows status as ' Block / Blocked' change to 'Allow' / 'Allowed' )

press "Enter' key. Then 'OK'

5. Install latest version of emSignor from GST website by logging with user id and password from the link provided at Update / DSC menu on Dash Board .

6. After installation 'Right click' on the desktop icon of the emSignor and select 'Run As Administrator'.

7. Then insert the DSC Usb Tokens and install the concerned software related to the DSC issuing Authority.

It may be successful for such issues

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